Check-in interface
In a business that bases its activity on providing service to a wide range of clients, it is recommended to maintain close attendance tracking at all possible events. For this exact purpose, Arbox enables you access to a professional check-in interface, which will allow you or your staff members to monitor and oversee client attendance at any meeting. The check-in interface is separate from the management platform, and can be accessed from any device (computer, phone or tablet).
The interface synchronizes with the management platform and provides you access to important real-time data. For example, a list of the clients or leads registered for an event and specific notes intended to provide you real-time data. For instance, if one of your registered clients for your event is injured, you can update this in their client profile in the management platform. The information will automatically appear in the check-in interface, and this way you or your staff members will be able to provide the proper treatment for the client.
In parallel, data from the interface is transferred to the management platform, every mark in the interface will directly affect your clients' profiles. Therefore, you need to ensure that your staff members use the interface properly and are very familiar with it.
How does this interface work and who is it intended for
- Enter the interface and input the username and password that you or your staff members use to connect to the management platform.

These are the exact same login details as the management platform and client application. If you do not remember your password, click "Forgot Password".
- After logging in you will be able to see all the upcoming events taking place that day, the interface display matches the "Schedule" view in the management platform. Different permissions have different capabilities, "Manager" permission will allow viewing all events of the business's staff members. "Staff Member", "Coach" and "Trainer" permission will only allow viewing events they are conducting.
- You can easily switch between different management platforms and branches through the interface (if you are not a member of multiple platforms and your business does not have additional branches, you will not be exposed to this option).
- Switching between different days is done using the arrows, additionally you can return to the current day by clicking "Today". Click on your profile picture in order to switch users or language.
- Click on the date if you want to quickly navigate directly to a specific date.

Now, choose the relevant event for you and click on it. Note that you can only mark attendance for events happening that day, or past events (there's no way to mark attendance for future events). We would like to introduce you to some abilities and indicators on the next screen:
- Leads will appear in members list with a purple background (like in the image).
- If the a user is less than thirty days in your business - the word "NEW" will appear and you can discern exactly when they joined. We added these indicators so you can provide personalized and accurate treatment to each client and lead, this way you can provide them an ideal experience.
- To ensure you never miss a client's birthday, we've added a "cake" icon that will automatically appear next to their name on their special day. You'll also see a debt indicator on any clients who have outstanding balances owed to your business. Simply hover over their name or click it if you are on a phone or tablet, to view the total amount due. With these helpful icons, staying on top of important client details and accounts receivable is easy!

Track your clients' injuries and maintain their fitness
The check-in interface displays injuries you inputted into the management platform for your clients. First, enter your clients' profiles and go to the "Profile" category, click the edit icon next to the "Injuries" category. Input the injury in detail and click "Save".
In order for injuries to appear in the check-in interface you need to go to system "Settings", scroll down to the "Preferences" category and click the "edit" icon next to "Display member injuries on Checkin platform". Click the toggle and activate it!

Now you can refresh the check-in interface, and see the warning icon appearing next to the client's name. Hover over it with your mouse or click it if you are on a phone or tablet.

If you allow your clients and leads to mark their own attendance (you can place a tablet with the interface open at the space entrance), pay attention to the details you display them (client and lead names, injury documentation, etc). You surely do not want others exposed to sensitive information, so it is recommended to be aware and responsible.